The importance of logistics and supply chain management continues to grow in Europe and especially in Switzerland. The dynamics and size of the logistics market are due not only to the increasing division of labor and globalized markets, but also to the increasing dismantling of trade barriers.
owed to. These development traits make it necessary to comprehensively map the relevant market with the responsible supply chains as well as to offer support to the players with regard to future development directions.
For the 16th time, GS1 Switzerland and the ISCM-HSG are jointly publishing the Logistics Market Study Switzerland. The study makes a significant contribution to more transparency in the Swiss market and provides important data for further analyses with regard to developments in the Swiss logistics market and its supply chains.
The Swiss Logistics Market Study contains a trend radar that compactly presents the central development directions relating to logistics and supply chain management in society, business and technology.
and technology in a compact form. Each trend is presented separately and provided with practical examples. At the technology level, there is also a dedicated discussion of the expected spread in the market. These findings are important for forming scenarios for the future. However, trend breaks triggered by a wide variety of events can fundamentally change the expected development of trends and scenarios. Based on a comprehensive trend break analysis, recommendations for action are derived for concepts within the framework of "Business Continuity". Other core components include a quantification of the Swiss logistics market and an overview of the top 100 logistics service providers in Switzerland.
The entire study is methodologically broad-based and includes, among other things, two large-scale surveys of the Swiss market, workshops with proven logistics and supply chain experts, secondary data analyses and a Delphi survey with Swiss experts. In general, the annual logistics market study alternates the general trend edition including trend radar with an in-depth examination of a selected trend topic.
GSI Switzerland
Die Schweizerische Post AG, Galliker Transport AG, Gilgen Logistics AG, Jungheinrich AG, Lagerhäuser Aarau AG, Migros- Genossenschaftsbund, Planzer Transport AG, SBB Cargo AG, Swisslog AG, Volg-Konsumwaren AG